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Name: Eisa

Famile Name:Ebrahimi Dorcheh

Present position: Associated Professor

Present address: Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran 84156

Phone: +98 31 3391 3565

Fax: +98 31 3391 2840



Biographical Information:

Birth date: December 14, 1964 (24/9/1343).

Birthplace: Isfahan, Iran.

Citizenship: Iranian.

Marital status: Married, with two children.

Academic Record

Ph.D. 1997-2004: Astarachan University of Technology, Russian & Gorgan University, Iran. Fisheries Sciences,

M.Sc. 1991-1994: University of Tarbiat-Modarress, Iran. Fisheries Sciences

B.Sc. 1987-1990: University of Tehran Iran. Fisheries & Environment

High School. 1980-1984: Biological Sciences, Iran.

Middle School. 1977-1979: Iran.

Primary School. 1971-1976- Iran.

Scholarships and Awards:

  1. M.Sc. Scholarship, Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
  2. Ph.D. Scholarship, Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.


  1. Ebrahimi, E., B. Chelongar ,G. Ariannejad and M. Naficy. 1991. Semi artificial breeding of the Pearl Bivalve (Pinctada margaritifera) in the Persian Gulf. B.Sc thesis. Division of Fisheries and Environment, Department of Natural Resources University of Tehran, 87 pp.
  2. Ebrahimi, E. 1994. Study on reproductive potential of Iranian sturgeon broodstocks (Acipenser persicus). M.Sc thesis. Department of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences University of Tarbiat-Modarress, 180 pp.
  3. Ebrahimi, E. 2004. Effects of different levels of protein and fat on growth characters and chemical composition of sturgeon fingerlings ( Huso huso & Acipenser persicus). Department of Fisheries, Astarachan University of Technology, Russian & University of Gorgan, Iran. 113 pp.

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